Burlington Restaurants for Sale - VT

Thinking of starting a bar or restaurant business in Burlington? Consider buying an established local bar or restaurant. It is well known that running a profitable restaurant business is hard and often requires a lot of investment and experience in the food and restaurant industry. It is harder for new and start-up restaurants to generate cash-flow and it is even harder to obtain small business loans for starting a new restaurant or bar business. However, if you are experienced and motivated you can buy an existing local restaurant for sale or a restaurant franchise in or near Burlington with an established customer base and earnings and that can help you obtain financing from local banks or small business lenders in Burlington VT, thereby making it easier to buy, run and grow an existing restaurant or bar with your ideas and menu and even rebrand it. As the situation returns to normal after the pandemic, local bars and restaurants are expected to be one of the most crowded and popular businesses as people are tired of the lockdown and are expected to get outdoors to socialize and this may be a great time to start a new bar and restaurant business or consider buying an existing local bar. Find a restaurant or bar for sale by a small business owner or by a restaurant broker in Burlington - VT.

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burlington, vt



Selling a Burlington Restaurant? Are you a small business owner interested in selling a business, franchise, service, company, store, shop in Burlington? List your business for sale with Business Nation. Advertise your listing to Sell a Restaurant Online for a LOW listing fee and No Commissions - Seller Testimonials - If you are a restaurant broker or a real estate agent, signup for a multiple listing account to Get Business Broker Leads



Disclaimer: Burlington bars & restaurants for sale and other business opportunities are advertisements posted by a corresponding restaurant owner or by a restaurant broker in Burlington - VT and this site is not involved with any transactions, has not verified the seller or the information posted in any ads and is not responsible for validity or authenticity of information or for any inaccuracies. By using this website or the listing contact form, you agree to assume the responsibility for verification of information and for further communication with the advertiser or for any transactions. rest