Small Business - Accountant - CPA - Lawyer - Directory Listing  

Get Business Leads - Accountant or Small Business Lawyer Listing

List in the Small Business Directory and create a personal or business profile - directory listings are available only for Small Business Accountants, CPA's, Small Business Lawyers, Licensed Business Brokers and Commercial Real Estate Brokers & Agents. After you sign-up for an account below, you need to login and submit a Directory Listing from your account.

You can also submit listings for specific BUSINESS SERVICES in the services category, with time limited fixed/flat fee offer e.g. "I will file business taxes for $500" or "I will file your trademark/patent application for $500"

Directory Listing Rates
Directory Listing by State/city New! FREE!
Small Business Service Listing* FREE!

 There is an issue with Hot****, Lookout & Micros**t serviced email accounts receiving emails from our server - use another free email provider such as yahoo or google or get/use your own email
check for TYPOS - link to activate account will be sent to above email
    ALL FIELDS except website, 2nd phone and description are REQUIRED.
 By submitting the form, I AGREE to the Terms & Site Guidelines


* ALL accounts and listings are subject to review/verification and approval by the site at the discretion of the site - if a listing does not meet our requirements or if we can not verify the listing, we will not accept it and no clarifications or questions will be answered, why a specific listing was not accepted.

* LIMIT ONE account/company/office - offer subject to approval (see more below if you have any previous unresolved issues). With the free plan, you can add and keep up to 2 free business for sale listings in your account at any one time but if you want to add more listings, you can subscribe to one of the paid plans. All listings in the free plan will be setup for automatic expiration after 10 weeks but you may subscribe to a paid plan where the listings do not expire until you delete them. Please note that if you do not login to your free plan account at least once in 3 months and add or manage listings, the account may be closed without notice. All free listing accounts are subject to approval 100% at the discretion of the site. Also, your account WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED if your business information cannot not be verified and/or if you previously had an account with unpaid/disputed/unresolved issues with this site and with any of our other sites. This offer and terms may be changed or canceled at any time and if so 30 days advanced notice will be posted on the site.